
this is my blog about my journey through life with a little princess after suffering the greatest loss of my best friend & love of my life.

i live day by day and when that is too much i live moment by moment.

Monday, August 15, 2011

our story part 2

So while I was pregnant, Joe and I spent all kinds of time together. We both worked full time jobs so we had a hard time spending enough time together but we always made time. I remember the first time he felt Alexis kick he was so freaked out, but then couldnt get enough of it! haha! Up until about 3 weeks before my due date Alexis had NO name. I could not decide on a name. I would come up with random names and we both couldnt agree on just one. So one day I am driving to work at 630am and I was on the phone with Joe for some reason and he randomly says Alexis. and I said who is Alexis? and he said thats our baby's name. She is Alexis, and the name stuck ever since. So after months of our doctor saying Alexis would be early, on January 6th there was still NO baby and no signs she was coming. So we scheduled my induction for January 10th ( the day before my due date of 1-11-11) at 7am! Thats when reality hit!

The morning of January 10th was hectic. Joe went ahead and went to work since the doctor said it would take a while and he got off around 1pm anyway. By 1 pm we had little progress. They broke my water around 930 am and I was slowly progressing. Joe got there and of course I was miserable. Finally around 5pm I was 10cm! YAY. I started pushing and the doctor told me she was face up, so he decided to go in and turn her and let me keep trying. so after 2 hours of UNSUCCESSFUL pushing, he told me I needed a c-section. To the OR we go. At 7:44pm our sweet princess was born at last! 7lbs 14.6 oz and 21 in long! Full head of black hair and perfect color. The first time I saw her, my heart tripled in size.  Suddenly I had enough room in my heart to love her and Joe with everything I had. When he saw her for the first time, all I remember is smiles. He couldnt stop smiling and he teared up. He never cried full out but he was overwhelmed. and the first thing he did was take her picture and post it to facebook! haha :) I got a kiss on the forehead and that was it! haha! We were a family and so in love. Joe took the following day off and spent it with us at the hospital. We stayed for 4 whole days and he was there every day spending time with us.

Now, I have to say, my relationship with Joe was far from perfect. We fought. A lot. Over stupid stuff. Bills, Time spent together, our future plans, work. You name it, we fought about it. Some of you who know Joe know why this happened. He was so hard headed. When he thought he was right, that was that. He was not giving in. So we argued. And I wont lie, I went through the whole im 19 years old, do I want to be with this person for the rest of my life phase. I had a touch of post partum and we struggled to make it work but Joe didnt give up. He saw both of us every other day at least, helped me with what he could with Alexis, and was always there to listen or just hold me when I was crying. In  the end, Joe is my best friend, the love of my life, my biggest supporter, my whole world. We made it through the rough times and we were headed in the right direction. <3 Me, Joe and Alexis. Our family was going to make it work!

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