
this is my blog about my journey through life with a little princess after suffering the greatest loss of my best friend & love of my life.

i live day by day and when that is too much i live moment by moment.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


today was my "sister in laws" birthday celebration.

i got to spend the whole day with my carter family. it was a great day. 

we rarely are able to get together all of us and her and my mother in law are getting ready to leave for vacations so it was nice to get everyone together before they leave.

the day was great. the weather was incredible. the kids were good. the food was amazing. 

and the memories were there. 

2 summers ago, joes sister lived in Arizona. she was dating this guy from there and they came to ohio to visit. so naturally we went out to catch up with them. just the 4 of us. we went to Buffalo Wild Wings. Now, I was 18 and all of them were over the age to drink so they were all taking part in adult beverages. They convinced Joe to do Irish Carbombs with them. HAHA. he thought he was going to throw up and he didn't know how to do it. she had to teach him and it was a sight to see. 
she was drinking Guinness tonight so we laughed about it. <3 

joes parents have his hill in their backyard. and it has mulch on it...well it does now. before it was COVERED in rose bushes and twigs. well, joe was home from school for the summer (in 09) and wasn't working. he wanted money for something so pops made him a deal. he dug up all the bushes and took them down to the woods that line their yard. of course joe agreed. but he COMPLAINED the WHOLE time. i mean SERIOUS dramatic complaining. now, yes. what he was doing was tiresome and was a lot of hard work. but such is life. he was more than capable and would have been done in half the time if he wouldn't have been complaining. every time i am in their backyard i think about that day. well  today was the first day we got to be outside with the kids. and the boys were playing on the hill and we all got a great laugh out of the story. and i know joe was laughing too. 

i took alexis to the cemetery this morning to take dada his first spring flowers. it was great. she loves the stone and i love her being able to see it. 

today i am thankful. for memories. for time with family. for laughter. for sunshine. 
for my joe 
my carter family 

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