
this is my blog about my journey through life with a little princess after suffering the greatest loss of my best friend & love of my life.

i live day by day and when that is too much i live moment by moment.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

a night in the city.

saturday night was such a good night.
i spent the day running errands in the POURING down rain.
and i swore my evening plans would be cancelled.
but they weren't.
the rain magically stopped.
its like the universe knew i needed a night out.
the intense pain in my shoulder, work, stress, and alexis have put me over the edge this week.
so i needed to go out.
so the sky parts and the rain stopped.
so i got all dressed up and headed out to the city :)
now, i had on my horrible shoulder brace so i looked ridiculous.
but it felt nice to wear my skinnies and my pumps.
just me and my girlfriend.
now, not being 21 puts a small damper on evening activities in the city.
but if you get there early enough its a "your already in" kinda deal.
so we went to newport on the levee. 
which is like 20-30 min from where we live. 
but its worth the drive.
so nice.
we had dinner and just hung out.
talked about boys and life in general.
then we got ice cream and walked along the river.
there is something incredibly peaceful about the river and the city at night. 
it was just what i needed.
it was cold.
and my arm was killing me.
but it was so nice to be out and about and relaxing.
it was nice to talk to my longest girlfriend about stuff that no one else understands.
the whole dating world thing has thrown me for a loop.
obviously I'm no good at it and i overreact and stress for no reason.
and its nice to talk it out with her and she gets it.
she understands why I'm not giving up.
and why I'm not walking away when everyone says i should.
she understands why i feel the way i do about him.
and that even though whatever you call this isn't perfect or by the book,
it works for me.
and for him.
and its healing for me.
no matter how messed up it is.
its good for me.
and I'm enjoying every minute of it.
one smile a day makes a day of frustration better.
today was a fail.
tried to go to the zoo and it was too full to park so we left. and now I'm home.
in intense pain from the weekend of over use.
my reds pulled out a win and my baseball husband saved the game and it was great! :) 

hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

such a beautiful city view. i wanna live there.

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